How to effortlessly add colour to your wardrobe. Part 1


How do you choose the colours you wear? Is your wardrobe all one colour (black, grey, navy) How do you know which colours work together? What do you know about colour? How do you know it suits you? How do you find something to wear with it? And if you want to add colour to your wardrobe, where do you start? Do you have to completely change how you dress because of colour? Do you have to be extroverted to wear colour?  Can you reflect your personality with colour? Can colour change your mood and how you feel? SO MANY QUESTIONS no wonder so many people end up gravitating towards the same ‘safe’ colours and selecting hues that don’t reflect who we are.

Before we delve into how to choose colours and how to add them in to our wardrobes, I’d like to quickly whizz through a couple of background essentials, just so you really recognise the incredible benefits. Colour enhances communication, builds confidence, and physically gives you a boost. Colour is an extension of you, as is the way we dress, it is a way of letting the world know who we are or how we are feeling without having to say a single word.  


Colour is a language that we all speak, it releases physiological, emotional, AND physical effects, for example, red releases adrenaline that triggers a response in your nervous system… So, its perfect at giving you a boost when you’re absolutely cream crackered.

Colour helps you step into your best zone, it can reflect your personality, for example, extroverted people will wear different combinations and strengths of hues compared to more Introverted individuals. Remember, style starts within - learn more about who you are on the inside and learn to confidently present that person on the outside.  

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OK so here goes the sciency bit – the colour wheel…

  • Colour is light and light is energy.

  • SO colour effects our energy.

  • By choosing certain colours we can help to boost or harmonize our energy/moods depending on how we are feeling OR the situation we are in.


The colour wheel is my version of a bible. It guides us through each colour as well as teaching us about the unique relationships between all the hues. Did you know that there are 6 ways we can cleverly use colour combinations to create certain looks and reflect style personalities?

Personally, I find them a bit wordy so I’ve put them into my own definitions so I don’t get in a muddle! Confession; I can barely pronounce the words so don’t worry about that bit or even remembering, its just amazing to be aware of the associations. Part two of my blog available next week will go into more depth – I just don’t want to make you start yawning!

  • Complementary – (Clashing)

    Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel

  • Monochromatic – (Monochrome)

    Three of more of the same colour in different tones/shades – NOT to be confused with black and white dressing

  • Analogous – (Tonal dressing)

    Three hues next to each other on the colour wheel

  • Split complementary – (Similar clash)

    Two lots of clashing hues next to each other on the colour wheel

  • Triadic – (three colours)

    Technically combinations of three colors that are evenly spaced apart on the color wheel. 

  • Tetradic – (Multicolored or a double clash)

    Basically 4 colours that make a rectangle on the colour wheel or 4 clashing colours


How do we choose which colours to wear and why?

We can all wear ANY colour, its about getting the right tone for your complexion. I won’t talk you through any of this now as its so different for everyone and I don’t want to cause any confusion. But what I will say, is that in theory we should be naturally attracted to the colours that suit us, the reason we may get it wrong could be for varying reasons (not because you aren’t creative or good with colour!)  from hearing others around us not liking a certain colour to as deep as going through trauma.  

I recommend taking a mental note of how you feel when you wake up.  Choosing a colour that benefits how you are feeling or what you need to achieve that day will not only give you a massive spring in your step but also stop you stressing about your outfit choice all day.

I have a quick task for you –

Check out my colour guide below, which hue would support how you’re feeling right this moment? Notice if you have naturally gravitated towards it on the page or if you’re even wearing it without realisation! If you haven’t (don’t give yourself a hard time over it or immediately think ‘oh god I cant do it’ , ‘I don’t get it’ or ‘its not for me’) just be mindful each morning and take it day by day. No one but you knows that you’re on a colour mission! 

Red is perfect for days when you need high energy and motivation (or you are just plain exhausted) because it releases adrenaline into your body.  It is also fantastic to show off your ambitious and motivated side and not to forget your passion, lets just say it’s the ultimate 3rd date colour too!

Orange is fantastic for communicating, it is very sociable, dynamic and shows great warmth, wear if you need to interact with lots of people, taking new steps or meeting new friends/colleagues.

Yellow is a mega stimulating colour that champions clarity, intellect, and happiness. It evokes confidence so wear if you are having a wobbly day and want to bring some joy and sunshine into your day. It is inspiring for others to see you wearing it too!

Green is the colour of balance, harmony and is very reassuring for when you have days where you feel a bit ‘all over the place’ It is the best colour to wear if your flush easily (like me, especially after a vino) or have acne as it balances out the red and harmonizes/calms it with the balancing green.

Blue is the nations favourite colour and it is very diplomatic, approachable and portrays honesty and trust. A fab colour for important days at work or if you are feeling stressed. Blue releases oxytocin, the feel good hormone so it also benefits everyone you are with!

Purple is the most expensive colour to make! Its oozes luxury, purpose, leadership and is great for debating, I recommend purple to lawyers because it aids mediation and shows dedication. Wear if you are in charge or need to win someone over! It also connects to our spiritual sides and helps to find purpose.

Pink is the colour for charming the socks off people! Its uber compassionate, supportive and has a wonderfully emotional and flirty side (The perfect first date colour!) Wear if you need cheering up or need to put a smile on someone’s face. Its also good if you have a lot of listening to do!

Neutrals, what are they? They are your beige, creams, ivory, white, grey, blacks and browns. They are great for breaking up and outfit and for looking professional, conservative and serious if all worn together but they can lack in emotion and make you feel quite subdued. FYI; I am not telling you to not wear them! Just be mindful of them near your face. You can’t beat a black trouser sometimes…

Now you have each colours powerful benefits explained BUT what if you start pairing colours together to take it to the next level…?! Certain combinations of colours can be even more powerful.


Blues and greens will keep you balanced, calm and harmonised. A beautiful combo if you get anxious and stressed very easily.


Red and pink is the ultimate Girl-boss combo – red will bring your energy into a room, pink will charm their pants off and together they will show your ambition and passion.


Purple and green together is fantastic for new beginnings and trust. It helps build self-worth, and can encourage change and growth. Its wonderful for starting a new job or coming out of trauma.


Yellow and blue is a fantastic business combination. Trust, optimism, and stimulation that brings clarity and joy.


Yellow helps to banish fear so wear with green for a wonderful calming and grounding confidence boost.


Blue and orange is perfect for communication, loyalty, and diplomacy.  Another great business combination as it shows versatility, warmth, and sociability


Purple and pink a powerful, soothing yet charming and playful combination. Great for when you are in transformation and need to stand out from the crowd.

The list goes on and on and on… but now you know that colour has physiological, emotional and physical benefits , it helps us nail choosing which colours to buy and why. It also stops the ‘I don’t know what to wear’ dramas each morning as well as stopping us from worrying if we have made the right outfit choice all day. A triple win for us!

My final note; – all the ‘rules’ you have in your head that certain hues don’t work with each other can be thrown out of the window immediately. For example, pink and red, red and green – whoever came up with these ridiculous rules is an actual donkey. Rules are made to be broken, so break them!

Next week, I will show you 5 different ways to effortlessly add colour into your wardrobe in part 2 of my colour series!

Keep safe and stylish wishes,

Sian x


5 ways to effortlessly add colour into your wardrobe. Pt 2


Nail the art of accessorising