My Story so far…




A little about me... 2019

As it’s the beginning of a new year, I thought that is about time I introduced myself properly. I always try to remain professional by educating, inspiring and teaching on instagram and avoid talking about myself too much, so I thought I’d let you into a few of my secrets. I am Sian, although my mum now calls me Gok Sian, which I secretly adore. I am 29 and I live in London. I spent my teenage years in Devon and have come from a creative home. My mother is an incredible fine art, textiles designer, Tessa Jane, and she is undoubtedly the most supportive, inspiring and encouraging lady on this planet. I have a divine little sister called Josie, who is nine years younger than me who is currently studying, Bio medicine at university - I couldn't be prouder!

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My favourite colour is red. I love everything about it and I think everyone needs some in their life. I am kind of like a human magpie, anything that glitters or has sequins on I want to wear immediately, particularly if it is vintage. I hate jeans but love wide legged trousers. I adore houseplants - I can only keep spider plants alive, I over water everything else. I love books and pretend to read them but I always end up just looking at the pictures and reading the quotes. My guilty pleasure is Taylor swift. I hate being the centre of attention even though I’m pretty extroverted.

 I adore drawing, festivals, dancing and listening to live music, especially to my gorgeous man, Jonny (check him out– not biased, at all) I have a serious sweet tooth and I adore cooking – particularly things I can’t pronounce. I’m training for a half marathon at the moment (The decision to sign up was red wine fuelled) Finally, my friends and family mean the world to me - I am so lucky to have such intelligent, independent and inspiring souls around me. They make me a better person and lift me up.



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I have always loved dressing. My favourite thing to do as a child was play dress up in my great grandmothers clothing – I think that’s why I love vintage clothing so much. I definitely pinched my mum’s shoes as a teenager and never got away with it. I have always dressed in quite an expressive way. Whether it was my hippy teens, boho travelling early twenties, Vintage/scruffy doc marten uni days or bright colour pops now. I’m looking forward to seeing where my style heads in 2019.To me, clothing is a way of letting the world know who you are without having to speak. The fact that you can express who you are without having to communicate is extraordinary. Our style is unique to us and people can start to understand the individuality of you just by looking at the clothes you wear, pure magic.


 What is a personal stylist?


We help people dress to become the very best and most confident version of them. A bit like a clothing Fairy Godmother actually. It is the most rewarding, positive and fulfilling job and I can’t imagine doing anything else now.

It wasn’t until I was in my final year at university and writing my dissertation that I released the unconscious personal stylist in me. Immediately drawn to writing about style and the reasons behind it was quite simply, the only thing I wanted to write about (other than colour) I began to realise that there was something inside me that always returned to exploring style and the art of dressing. I discovered topics throughout my dissertation that helped me realise that the way people dress can be influenced by nostalgia, culture and that personality plays a huge role too.

I graduated with a 1st Class honours and didn’t want to ‘waste’ my degree in Print design, so I buried my styling dreams and moved to London to intern. I spent 6 months working for free for various print studios and being promised jobs that disappeared each time I came to the end of my internship. However, I met a wonderful designer called Carla, she owns Mona swims who asked me if I wanted to do anything other than print design. I mentioned styling (without knowing the is a difference between editorial and personal – makes me cringe now) she mentioned she had a friend who was looking for an assistant stylist out in Ibiza. 3 months later I was on a plane, out to live in Ibiza for a season. I worked alongside a successful editorial stylist for many campaigns and had a blast in doing so. It was in Ibiza I learnt that as gorgeous as the work was, I wanted to make individuals feel happy and look great. I discovered that I get my energy and buzz from helping others. I allowed the personal styling dream to pop into my head found a course one evening (LCS) and got so excited that I didn’t sleep all night. I completed my magical white isle experience in 2015 and was determined to save to re train as a personal stylist a.s.a.p.

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Post Ibiza I started as an assistant designer for a Fair Trade brand called Nomads based in Cornwall. I co ran their editorial campaigns (check out my fave ever photographer Simon Powell) and designed dozens of prints for all of their ranges. I loved my role, I learnt so much about how brands work and it has been so beneficial for me. I wouldn’t be anywhere close to where I am now without the Nomads team.


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 The whirlwind of London College of style (LCS) - September 2017

The week I spent with LCS quite literally changed my life. I felt as though I had, finally found ‘my thing' I had heart palpitations from excitement and had never felt like I understood anything as much as I did in that environment. I could write about Dan and Wendy, the course and all at LCS forever, but quite simply put, I wouldn’t be a personal stylist without their coaching, advice and genuine care. I will be forever grateful to the most magical people I met and trained with. I wish I could show them how much they mean to me. We were introduced to industry experts. Jo Baldwin-Trott, Jules Standish and Phil Tarling . Make sure you check them out. They are the definition of industry experts – one day I would like to be up there with them.

Post course I knew I had to stop hiding from my dream and actually work at it. Styled by Sian had been such a lovely day dream for so many years but I realised I was now equipped with the resources to fulfill my ambition. Initially, I styled as many friends and family that would let me near them with my colour drapes, their wardrobe and who would let me do a personalised shop for them. In return for my services I asked them to take part in my web content shoot and write a testimonial so that I could start to build my reputation. I adored the shoot and will be eternally grateful to everyone involved. Make sure you check out Rachel Sherlock Photography.


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In April 2018 I got in touch with the Princes trust and shakily pitched SBS to them. I successfully completed the course in December 2018 thanks to my business mentor, Paul, (who I cant thank enough for understanding my frantic and creative mind) and aim to be fully running SBS by the time I turn 30. I have a 3 year business plan which I am on target with and now it has been pitched to a board in charge of the Princes trust I have no excuse to not to make a success of it.

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April 2018 to January 2019 – where my dream started to become a reality

In April I had two very exciting interviews that Wendy from LCS put me forward for and Jules Standish kindly helped me dress for. By some miracle I was offered both and then I had the painful decision of which one to go for. Wendy was a super star and she helped me talk it all through and make a logical decision (logic isn’t my strong point at times – I follow emotion too much!) and that is how I ended up as a full time Personal Stylist at John Lewis flagship store, Oxford Street.

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My John Lewis journey


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Little did I know what was in store for me working for JL. Within two weeks I had successfully styled the head of branch and met lots of lovely people from HQ at an exciting brand press launch. From mixing with the team I was then asked to be part of JL new marketing campaign, which was featured heavily across their social media and in store. I was filmed in action and blown away by this opportunity. It was such an honour. Scroll down my Instagram grid to see the video.

JL launched their new woman’s wear brand in September 2018 and to celebrate we were built a new styling suite. To honour the launch lots of amazing women were asked to come and be styled by our team of stylists. I had the absolute pleasure of dressing amazing Instagram influences, Bubbly Aquarius, Katherine Ormerod, step up club and Liv Purvis. My highlights had to be the one and only Dawn O’porter and Alice Levine. They were everything I wanted them to be and I couldn’t ask for more exciting people to style. After the excitement I had the opportunity to style the labor MP Mary Creagh and BBC presenter Sana Safi.

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Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly have any more excitement, I was interviewed for the Sunday Times style magazine for my top tips for festive dressing. After that, I was the asked to record a radio jingle for Heart FM. It was such a special treat and has definitely helped me grow my career goals. I certainly realised that being out of your comfort zone at the time can be terrifying but afterwards is SO worth it.


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This January, I have just been interviewed and photographed for JL seasonal magazine, Edition, where I promoted our “perfect pair of jeans” service. The writer turned out to be the one and only Ginnie Chadwyck - Healey. I felt so honoured to meet her, let alone be giving her tips on how to find the perfect pair of jeans. Finally, I am about to host an evening in conversation with Anna Murphy, The times fashion editor, which will be a new experience for me. I can’t wait to host an evening and really start to work on my public speaking.

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My Styled By Sian achievements

My biggest personal achievement, was securing a business mentor for two years through the princes trust. I have met incredible personal stylists along the way. Fleur McCrone, Charlotte Broadbent and Boo Attwood to name a few. I have styled Ruby from bake off for a head shot with my girl Rachel Sherlock. I have styled singer, songwriters, I am eckos and Jon Grayson for photo-shoots. I have also returned to some editorial styling for IN London and loved every second of being in a creative and passionate team.


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Colour has been my biggest life changer. I couldn’t wait to return to Jules and complete my Advanced colour training course in November 2018. There I discovered the power of colour and personality further and how it really enhances our lives.  

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An absolute highlight of SBS so far has to be being interviewed by Dan from LCS about my journey so far. This was for their current students and I just loved the experience of sharing my passion and excitement of personal styling. It was a pinch me moment. Talking through my story so far brought me so much pride and inspired me to keep working hard and to want to achieve bigger goals.

Currently I am planning a couple of rather special things for April and thinking about the next few months ahead, which I can’t wait for! Thank you for taking time out of your busy days to read my waffled story so far, means the world to me. Please do get in touch if you eve would like to have a consultation or coffee!


Ill be writing about my next steps soon so keep an eye out for that!


Love Sian x





Lee Jeans my way…