Swimwear for your garden…


Swimwear… yep it makes me shudder too. We feel so vulnerable and exposed when we wear them. I mean we literally have next to nothing on so it makes sense…  We spend all our time focusing on the area’s we are anxious about and only seeing the best shapes on other people.

We may not be going on holiday at the moment but with this summer heat that’s hitting us this week, we are all in need of a new set of swim wear and it should bring us joy… not terror.

When was the last time you felt great in a bikini? Apart from when you were 10 and had no care in the world?! Swim wear - we love you, but we hate you. Our bodies are INCREDIBLE and we don’t give them enough credit and we certainly don’t go easy on ourselves when we are wearing them.


BUT, guess what?! Just follow my simple techniques to find a perfect fitting bikini to feel fantastic (in your garden) this week.

My tips for buying swimwear will not only get you a bikini you love but also feel amazing in. I promise.

  • Understand your body shape, choose a shape that works with your figure, not against it. (If you aren’t sure of your shape, check out my recent blog on body shape to help you suss yours out)

  • Go easy on yourself – take your time and experiment. It should be FUN

  • Don’t ‘hide’ in a black one piece, black is such a high contrast in the sunshine and is a colour that drains positivity out of us so a print and colour is far more uplifting for our souls

  • Choose brands that specifically design swimwear, they are pros and will have a better range of shapes to choose from.

  • Spend a bit more on high quality – we don’t want see-through material or dodgy lines in the wrong places.

  • Don’t worry about going one size up, avoiding the 4 bottom/boob look is paramount for your confidence

  • If you fidget in it – its not the one for you and that’s OK

  • Treat yourself to an amazing cover up and sunnies for when the post man knocks on your door.


Below are my top picks for swimwear that’s out to buy right now. My personal preference is Mona Swims, the sexiest and well-made swim wear I have ever worn. As soon as I slip into it I stop worrying and just feel amazing. I own a bikini, a one piece and some of her leggings…

I’d love to know which pieces you go for and how amazing you feel in them, if you still feel unsure, please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a complimentary style session.  Don’t forget to HAVE FUN and experiment and DON’T focus on any of the negatives, enjoy how the fabric feels on your skin and how gorgeous the colour and print is.

Stylish wishes,



Volatile weather style


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