How to: Edit your own wardrobe


Now seems like the BEST time to get organised without any of life’s distractions getting in our way. For now, staying in in is the new out and I know people are finding it tough. I’m hoping to bring you some joy, fun and a distraction and to help you feel as though you have SOME control over this bizarre circumstance we have all found ourselves in 2020.

Full video at the bottom of this blog.

Tips before you start;

Do your Spring, Summer, Autumn Winter clothes all in one – because you’re A) going to do this properly and B) there will be things in each wardrobe that you can wear all year round without even realizing so maximize its use whilst curating a more sustainable wardrobe

Remember, clothing holds memories and sparks emotions, for some this isn’t as easy as a Spring clean or sort out and that’s ok, drop me a message and I can talk you through it. Edits are different for everyone, I have had one edit that’s taken me 8 hours and some only a couple of hours.

Don’t forget to try things on for fit and colour - yes you’ll have to get in your pants and socks! This also works for men so if you want your partner’s smelly shirts and ripped jeans to be recycled, nows the time!


10 simple steps to editing your own wardrobe…

1)      Get yourself your fave beverage –

2)      Optional -If you have access to a rail pop one up and grab three bags, one for charity, sell and one for tailoring.

3)      Ask yourself the reason behind your edit – mine is to put together new looks with existing pieces in my wardrobe.  See my video for more reasons


4)      Take out all the pieces you love but rarely wear – this could be because you don’t know how to style them OR you’re nervous to wear them out and about, the list goes on.

5)      Take out the pieces you wear ALL the time – in the back of your mind (then colour order it) see how many things you can match with items you love but don’t wear very often.

6)      Remove the pieces you never wear, secretly hate (even if people have bought you them as a gift) or don’t fit EVEN pieces you love but not happy with. If they look tired/bobbly/worn/most importantly dated = to charity they go. If they aren’t fitting right but you love them eg too long, too big, you hate the arms, waist isn’t quite right, pop them in the bag for tailoring. If they are in good condition but deep down you aren’t feeling them, sell them online!


7)      Bring out your special occasion pieces, these you’ll wear the least BUT should be the most special. The thing that people don’t quite get right with special occasion wear is that once its dates, you need to move on. So, buy Classics for special occasion OR statement pieces by classic brands.

8)      Pop your special occasion bits in the back of your wardrobe. Now, this is where it differs, if you have a system that is working for you at the mo then don’t mess with it. If your wardrobe is living chaos then follow this (feel free to interpret how you like though) FIrstly pop back your long dresses/jumpsuits, then shorter, midi skirts then minis, trousers followed by culottes, shirts/blouses, and finally tops/camis. Start long and finish short. See my video for more info  

9)      Top tips… ROTATE your items to get maximum wear. For example, if you have 9 dresses, wear the one from the front first and put it at the back of the pile after you have worn it. Then wear the next dress and repeat. If you continually skip a dress, it may mean you can sell/charity/tailor it.

10)   Treat yourself to matching hangers – one day Ill have matching copper hangers and Carrie Bradshaw’s walk-in wardrobe.

Thank you SO much for reading, Let me know how you get on and feel free to get in touch with any questions! x


9 to 5 style in the comfort of your own home


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