The reasons a Wardrobe Edit cleanses more than just your closet

Tidy wardrobe – Tiny mind! The benefits of a wardrobe edit are physical, psychological and emotional. The obvious being your wardrobe looking clean and tidy instead of replicating your disorganised Tupperware draw but it also cleanses your mind and helps restore order and calm within that busy mind of yours.

However, close your eyes and imagine Carrie Bradshaw’s walk-in wardrobe – total heaven and SO MUCH FUN isn’t it? Let’s shift your mind from negativity towards yours and into how can I create my own version? The first step is to edit it of course!

Why is it so hard to edit your own wardrobe?

Let’s be honest – it can be pretty boring and if you have a rare few hours free the last thing you want to do is clean and tidy. However, working through your wardrobe isn’t like your average cleaning morning on a Sunday, I promise.

Clothing is so personal – it’s quite literally the closest physical thing to you which is why it's so hard to do it alone. Clothing holds so many memories, the good, bad, and the ugly including psychological and emotional from first dates, bad dates, holidays, promotions, literally ANYTHING.

It can be hard to give away items that have previously been gifted to them, they feel guilty for not wanting it anymore. Guilt is a huge factor when editing a wardrobe and something we need to really focus on letting go of.

It can also be a total mess and the thought of it brings tears to your eyes. You may even have lost the love and joy that your clothing used to give you which is so hard. It could be because you have changed both emotionally and physically as well as never quite understanding what colours suit you, what your body shape is and even what your dominant style personality is.

Why should you edit your wardrobe?

Where to begin… firstly no one wants to wake up and the first thing that happens to them is an avalanche of disorganised clothes falling out at you and immediately getting your day off to a bad start. Having an organised wardrobe means you will be able to see where things are so no more panic rummaging for THAT fave go-to top before work or a hot date.

Whilst editing your wardrobe, you can create a shopping list of things that need replacing because they look tired, dated or worn or if you keep thinking ‘I wish I had an X to go with this’ you can add that to your list. You have a grocery shopping list, right? If not one on the back of an old envelope you have a mental one so what’s stopping you from keeping one for new clothes? Its WAY more exciting! Plus, a great reward at the end of your edit.

Having a shopping list for new clothing also stops you buying things you don’t need – I call it buying with intent or purpose. It also means that when you walk into a shop you know specifically what you are looking for, so you don’t feel like you cant see the wood through the tress so to speak.

 You will find pieces you have forgotten you own, and it’ll feel like you have been on a shopping trip from your own wardrobe edit! This saves you time and more importantly saves you money. You will also be reminded of your favourite brands, its likely you have various pieces from similar brands. I recommend you research new brands from this to keep it interesting and varied!  

Less is very much more. You are more likely to remember everything you own so it’s easier to decide what to wear every day. The smaller your wardrobe, the more likely you are to wear it all. On average we only wear 20% oof our wardrobe which is NUTS. To help you wear everything in your wardrobe, I really recommend creating a clothing routine to follow as well as rotating everything to wear. Find out more about routines here.

How to get started on cleansing your closet.

  • Create ambience – for example, light a candle, pop your fave tunes and pour a drink

  • Watch my video over on my ‘How to edit your wardrobe blog’ It explains step by step how to edit your wardrobe.

  • If the thought of it totally overwhelms you or quite frankly you don’t have enough hours to edit your wardrobe in one hit, start small – it could be as simple as tackling one item or draw per day. Or ask me to come and help you out!

  • Focus on each piece and have a mental checklist keeping an eye out for nasty for holes, discolouring, tiredness or if you have had it for ages, has it dated/does it fit still? If any of these apply – see ya! If you wear it regularly add it to your shopping list.

What you need to get started

  • Watch my video over on my ‘How to edit your wardrobe blog’

  • Grab a drink

  • Candle or fairy lights

  • Spare Bags – one for donations and giving to friends, one to sell on and one for recycling/bin if it can’t be rescued

  • Rethread selling kit - for selling your clothes

  • Clothes and shoe spray for freshness

  • Matching hangers – for finesse and everything hanging from the same height makes it look SO much neater and fancier! I recommend velvet style ones for non slip

  • Folding board – amazon is your friend here and a folding board takes your folding from Z to A Grade in mins and is very satisfying.

  • Get a colour wheel to experiment with different colour combinations that you love. To find out how to add colour to your wardrobe download my free colour eBook to help inspire you to get started.

Bonus tips for editing your wardrobe

Knowing and understanding your style foundations help edit your wardrobe too. By creating new habits from understanding your style basics, that allow you to reconnect with yourself so you can transform your relationship with yourself and your wardrobe.

Your style foundations are;

Colour Analysis - Discover the very best colours to enhance your complexion and reflect your nature

Body Shape session - Nail how to dress for your figure

Style Personality - Uncover your style and learn how to refine it as your style develops

If you feel as though you have lost your way, learning the basics of your own style is the perfect way to rebuild your relationship with yourself and your clothing. I know just the personal stylist in London who can help you with that… you can find out more here.

By editing your wardrobe, I guarantee that you will feel less stressed and much happier. It may even influence you to organise other areas in your home/life too and there’s not time like the start of a year to have a refresh! Plus the new seasons are about to drop, that means shopping is about to get exciting again so it’s a perfect time.

If you have any questions or would like some help, please don’t hesitate to reach out here, Id love to hear from you!


Stylish wishes,

Sian x




































Personal Stylist based in London. I am a colour analysis expert, wardrobe stylist, and personal shopper. I specialise in body shape style, wardrobe edits, and personal shopping for clients. I am also a virtual stylist. I do online styling, online style advice, virtual body shape workshops, virtual wardrobe edits and online personal shopping. Fashion Stylist in London. Personal Stylist in London. London stylist.



How to find your style personality


Get to know me - A candid chat kindly interviewed by War & Drobe