What jeans suit your body shape? Why don’t jeans fit?

Jeans are the item that is most frequently worn by everyone but equally cause havoc with us. I hear people all the time saying ‘I know I’ve put on weight because my jeans don’t fit’ Our association with them is so negative and we go into self-blame mode.

Why don’t jeans fit?

Jean shopping can feel traumatic, and overwhelming and causes the biggest changing room meltdowns out there. The reason for this is that sizing is inconsistent, and we have preconceived ideas about what should and shouldn’t suit us.

Why is sizing inconsistent?

When jeans are designed, the patterns are sent to the factory to be made and when they return, they must go through quality control. Now quality control makes sure that each measurement is consistent with the measurements they give the factories based on a fit model that tends to be a UK12. To get the other sizes brands use something called grading. Grading uses percentages with measurements to make sure each dress size fits. Simple right?

So how does it all work and why are you telling me this?

Well… say a waist size of a pair of jeans is supposed to be 40 cm (FYI I’m making this measurement up) the denim jeans will pass quality control measuring at 39cm and also 41cm wide. MIC DROP. That is a 2cm size difference which is HUGE.

Therefore, when you think you have found the perfect jeans and you replace them two years later, they fit differently. It’s also another reason why sometimes trying on two of the same size can work in your favour. It also answers the questions for when you try jeans on in a size up and they are huge or they also feel smaller… is it starting to make sense now?!

The second of many other reasons jeans shopping sends us to despair is because of preconceived ideas we have. These could be based on previous bad experiences with the same brand or just a type of jeans, e.g., skinny jeans. We also form opinions on certain jeans because of what we hear other people saying.

For example, when I was a teen, I remember my mum saying ‘high waisted jeans are so awful, they are so 80s and don’t suit anyone’ SO naturally I avoided the high waisted jean and could never find any I like until I retrained to be a Personal Stylist in London and VOILA, realised all of my changing room drama and preconceived ideas were what my problem was, not my body.

However, we are never taught about anything to do with how clothes are designed or made, what suits us, or where to buy them so when left to our own devices it’s no wonder all hell breaks loose!

How do we get rid of our jean trauma?

To nail the art of jeans shopping you need to know two things… One is what pair of jeans you want rather than walking around aimlessly which then leads to mind blanks and the inevitable panic buying.

The second thing you need to know is what jeans suit your body shape. That means instead of shopping emotionally, you choose jeans logically, and when you try them on in the fitting room the chances of them making you feel great are far higher. If the jeans don’t work, you can assess the jeans more closely and you’ll understand why they don’t fit instead of torturing yourself.

If you aren’t sure of your shape, head to my free body shape Ebook to find yours and learn how to shop for jeans efficiently instead of emotionally.

Top Tips for buying jeans from a stylist in London

Before you head to the shops to find your perfect pair of jeans, I have a few tips for you.

1.       DON’T buy them when they feel like the perfect fit, buy them half a size too small. The reason for this is that they will stretch by lunchtime. Your amazing shape will go and you’ll be left with saggy knees and bum as well as disappointment.

2.       Spend a bit more on them than you have before. The quality will look, feel and be so much better and they will last so much longer, it’s the classic buy cheap buy twice situ. If you are used to high street brands, start with Levi and go from there.

3.       If you are a confident/well-seasoned shopper, go mad in vintage and pre-loved shops for some classic jeans your size, it’s more sustainable and cheaper too!

4.       Get some fabric spray, I recommend this natural one from & Other stories, it’ll keep your denim jeans fresh and stop any shrinking!

My top-rated denim jeans brands and why

·       Levi – Best for basic price point, lots have bi stretch in = comfort

·       Paige – They feel like how I imagine wearing clouds. Best for tall ladies too

·       Citizens of humanity – I only discovered this brand 18 months ago and they are the BEST everyday jean out there.

·       Gerard Darel – For the leggy gals’ Size up usually in these

·       Jigsaw - Excellent price point and reliable fit - lots have bi stretch in = comfort

·       Ba&sh – The best at creating a jean with a little something extra on that you dodn’t realise you needed. The detail is exquisite!

·       Jcrew – best for Petites

What jeans suit me if I am an hourglass body shape?

The hourglass shape excels with great fit and tailoring with movement.

Hourglasses look amazing in the following styles: NB. Don’t be scared of a wide-leg – they will proportion out your beautiful curves. Boot cut and flared jeans will balance out your hips. Go for stretchy jeans for comfort and a better tight fit.

What jeans suit me if I am a Slender/athletic body shape?

You are perfectly in proportion! In all honestly – you can wear whatever jean you fancy. Id experiment with print, shape, and texture and see what you resonate best with.

What jeans suit me if im a Pear body shape?

Simple shapes and dark colours will be perfect for you. Wide leg or straight trousers create clean lines and opt for flat fronts. Skinny will work as long as you balance above your waistline. Your secret weapon is a tapered or a wide legged jean – make friends with a tailor if you’re petite and avoid prints on your trousers.

 What jeans suit me if im a Strawberry body shape?

You are narrower around the waistline, hips, bottom, and thighs. The lower rise can work for you(id avoid it personally) as well as high waisted as long as your waist isn’t directly under your bust (this means you have a high waist) Wide-leg, flat front jeans, skinny, pocket can add great details and add volume as well as boyfriend jeans too. Print is also a winner for you!

What jeans suit me if im an Apple body shape?

You have the most DIVINE legs and curvy bust – what a killer combo. You are in proportion but tend to carry weight around your midsection and don’t have a defined waistline. It’s all about highlighting your bust, hip-line and legs. Go for jeans with a flat front or a semi low rise. Boot cut and wide leg trousers will create proportion with your shape too.

What jeans suit me if I am Petite?

You need a jean that doesn’t drown you in denim, make sure they don’t drag on the floor and make sure you tuck all of your tops into your high waisted jeans to give you a longer-looking leg. Jcrew is for you!

What jeans suit me if I am Tall?

You can wear whatever you fancy, Id go full out and rock a flare, palazzo jean and OWN IT. Paige and Levi are for you!

Fool proof tips and my jean of the season as a Personal Stylist in London;

My final tips for nailing denim jeans shopping are;

1.       Always choose high waisted

2.       Make sure they have stretch in

3.       Avoid chunky pockets on the hips

4.       Buy them half a size small

5.       Quality over quantity – organic denim is best


What’s the jean of the moment?  

The jean of the season is a full-length defined by a trouser-like wide leg and a waist-cinching high rise. BAM perfect for you all, just watch out if you are petite – don’t drown yourself in denim.


I hope that my latest blog on what jeans suit your body shape has helped reassure you as well as get you in the zone for nailing to find the perfect pair.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me here,

Stylish wishes,




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