5 tips for successful sale shopping


Yes yes, I’m late to write about the sales, I know I know, but there are some cracking sale purchases out there still. Sale time is for getting the big investment pieces that you really really really ‘need’ to complete your wardrobes but can’t quite justify when they are full whack. I’m talking anything leather, ‘proper’ winter coats, decent blazers, awesome boots and the dreamiest handbags.

Sale shopping is dangerous. We get carried away and buy things because of the price. Confession time… even I’m guilty of that. Sometimes we just want that quick fix with a new purchase and the buzz we get from wearing something new. But it’s not sustainable, useful or beneficial to your wallet long term.

Style is about investment, careful curation and versatility. It is incredibly easy to get carried away over price rather than the important things, such as perfect fit, great quality, special details and how many items it works with that already exist in your wardrobe.


The shops are a drab place to be at the moment too. Stuffed with disorganised sale rails, nothing new and exciting for inspiration and crowds of miffed shoppers desperately searching for things they cant find.

So follow my tips to survive and be in and out with the finishing touches to your closet.


1. Plan your route and have the names of the items hand (if you have seen them online)

2. Go first thing when the shops open to avoid crowds – you’ll be home by lunch and feeling super smug!

3. I’m amazed at the amount of my clients who used to avoid trying items on before they began shopping with me. You must make yourself try the items on and take two sizes in the changing room with you to save time (unless you’re shopping with me!) it also stops you having to come back out to return pieces that don’t fit…annoying!

4. Trust your gut instinct, if something in you deep down (even if it very deep down haha) that thinks it doesn’t quite fit, or isn’t really you, leave it behind. If you still think about it the next day, order it online in the size you tried!

5. Make sure the item has three outfits it completes/works with/updates so it doesn’t get lost in your wardrobe and forgotten about.


And voila! You nailed your sale shopping.

Finally, here are my 5 brands I highly suggest you suss out whilst the sales are still going strong. With leather jackets and blazers, size down for a neat fit unless you have broader shoulders



Leather anything… All Saints



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Coats – Claudie Perlot – Opt for a tan or khaki so it can also be worn in Spring and Autumn



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Blazers – Reiss – Select for a texture like a jacquard to ooze sophistication and have a blazer than stands out from the rest!


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Boots – Stuart Wiseman – I can officially say these boots are like putting your feet into clouds – nothing comes close to these boots. Choose a mid heel so you can wear them all day and throughout your night.



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Bags – LK Bennet – The softest leather bags in all shapes, colours and sizes as well as guaranteed brilliant customer service – it’s a no brainer!

So, there you have it! Get yourself out of bed first thing, take your reusable coffee cup and treat yourself to a fancy coffee to fuel your successful morning sale shopping and getting the pieces you’ve been mulling over and over.

Don’t forget to send me a pic!


Sian x




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